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The future

WILL + BV (base verbale)

I will play football tomorrow. (Je jouerai au foot demain)

la forme négative de l'auxiliaire will = WILL NOT = WON'T

Paul won't eat pizza tonight.(Il ne mangera pas de la pizza ce soir)

Pour la forme interrogative inversion sujet auxiliaire

Will Paul eat pizza tonight ?

BE going to + BV (base verbale)


I am going to play football tomorrow. (Je vais jouer au foot demain)

Paul is going to eat chips tonight. (Paul va manger des frites ce soir.)

John and Fred are going to visit a museum next week. (John et Fred vont visiter un musée la semaine prochaine.)


pour la forme négative, l'auxiliaire se met au négatif (am not, aren't, isn't)


I'm not going to play football tomorrow. (Je ne vais pas jouer au foot demain)

Paul isn't going to eat chips tonight. (Paul ne va pas manger des frites ce soir.)

John and Fred aren't going to visit a museum next week. (John et Fred ne vont pas visiter un musée la semaine prochaine.)


Pour la forme interrogative inversion sujet auxiliaire


Am I going to play football tomorrow ?

Is Paul going to eat chips tonight ?

Are John and Fred going to visit a museum next week ?