File:Arms of William the Conqueror (1066-1087).svg
William The Conqueror


become - became - devenir

take - took - prendre

say - said - dire

meet - met - rencontrer

give - gave - donner

claim - réclamer

appeal - plaider

agree - être d'accord

against - contre

land - accoster

gather - ramasser

fleet - flotte

lead - led - conduire

fight - fought - se battre

make - faire

crown - couronne


The story of King William I of England

Duke William of Normandy  was born in Falaise in 1028.  His father was Robert I, the sixth Duke of Normandy.  William  became Duke of Normandy at the age of only seven years old.
The Danes conquered England in 1050 ,Edward the  King of England, took refuge in Normandy in the palace of William. William said  Edward promised William the crown of England. Edward the Confessor returned to England and defeated the Danes.
In 1065 Duke William met with Harold Godwinson who  gave allegiance to the Duke William. Edward the Confessor then dies and Harold Godwinson, claims the English throne and is crowned the King of England. Duke William immediately claimed the English throne. Duke William appeals to the Pope to support his cause. The Pope agrees and sanctions a Holy War, or Crusade, against England.

Duke William gathered an army and a fleet of ships. The fleet lands on the South coast of England at Pevensey on 28th September 1066. There were no English to meet him. The English led by King Harold had just fought off a Viking invasion.
Harold and his men  marched to York, won a bloody battle with the Vikings on 25th September and then  marched back to Southern England and met Duke William on October 14th. The two armies met at Senlac (later re-named Battle).  It was a hard fight and King Harold and his brothers were killed. Duke William was victorious and was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey on 25th December 1066.

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