House of XVème century, with the n° 22 of the street of September 4. The famous brigand Mandrin from the Dauphine made an incursion in 1754 there.


Brioude and its history

Some reference marks:

363 Martyrdom of Saint-Julien of Brioude and Saint-Ironwood

893 Guillaume the Piles, Abbot of Brioude

 980 Marriage of Louis V in Brioude, it remains two years there.

1688 Mort of Mister of Holy-Dove with Brioude 1754 Chuck prevails in Brioude about

1780 the marquis of Fayette lives Brioude   1957 the Church Saint-Julien de Brioude becomes Basilique Saint-Julien







Brioude is in Auvergne, in Haute-Loire.

Population : 6820 hab

Density : 504 hab/km²

Superficie : 13,52km²

Altitude : 450 meters

Build in XI° and XII° centuries by the  counts to the glory of God and his martyr St-Julien. It is the biggest roman church in Auvergne.









Brioude , sub-prefecture of Haute-Loire , had acquired formerly the title of capital of salmon.In beginning of XX° century , the fishermen came from all horizons in the hope to fish this mythical fish.














Jean-Jacques Faucher is the mayor of Brioude













Richemonts makes famous raclette cheese.
Brioude Internet works with internet








The biggest entreprises in Brioude are :












COLLEGE LAFAYETTE is a public college







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Brioude  says Goodbye to you !!!